Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Why we have no respect for politicians

Politicians have a bad reputation for a reason. Exhibit A: Charlie Crist. This guy is only in it for the power. He pretended to be a Republican when that suited his needs. When that no longer worked, he quit the party to run as an Independent.

Crist has no core beliefs, and he's not alone. He says only what suits his needs at the moment. Now he says that he would have voted in favor of the healthcare debacle. He had previously said the opposite, only a few months ago.

Crist is rightly being blasted from both sides on this issue. From the article: "The Rubio campaign blasted out an e-mail with the subject line, 'Crist flips for sixth time on Obamacare!' The headline on an e-mail from the Meek campaign reads, 'Breaking: Governor Crist diagnosed with political amnesia.'"

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