Saturday, May 14, 2022

The Right to Keep and Bear Nuclear Weapons

This podcast episode got me thinking...

There is a school of thought that nuclear proliferation makes our world more dangerous, that limiting the spread of nuclear weapons makes our world safer.  I don't think this is true, and this podcast episode makes a strong point that I agree with.

As I listened I kept making more and more links in my mind.  What is true on a small scale appears to be true on a large scale.  With that in mind, I made the following comment in response to the podcast:
Alternate text for this *excellent* podcast episode: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

As I listened to the podcast I couldn't help but think that the same logic applies to people as to countries.  Simply replace "nuclear weapons" with "guns," "countries" with "people," "nuclear proliferation" with "more states passing concealed carry laws," "treaties with nuclear powers" with "belief that the police will show up in time," etc.  It's all the same.

Stunning that any country would want to trust the likes of the United States with their defense.