Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Political Leadership

This is a tale of two politicians. Both inherited budget deficits, from predecessors who spent recklessly and foolishly. One fixed the problems and turned his state around. The other continues to whine about it to this day (while golfing, taking extravagant vacations, and celebrating with fundraisers disguised as birthday parties).

Let's start with the leader. Scott Walker is a leader. He has a spine. And it is paying off. Consider this article from The Weekly Standard:
"Walker’s Vindication" by John McCormack
"The controversial Wisconsin budget reform saves teachers’ jobs."

Walker's actions saved teaching jobs and kept classes sizes smaller--in those districts that didn't cave to the unions prior to Walker's budget repair bill becoming law, anyway. Regardless of the teachers' wailing, these jobs are still very much sought after, judging by applications received.

"Just three weeks after Walker’s budget went into effect, its sweeping success is already apparent."

"As for the teachers, 'some of them will feel better in a year or two.' Koczela says the union told them that 'this is all a sham. There isn’t really a budget shortfall. If we just all stop giving tax breaks to wealthy corporations you’ll all be fine.'"

"'They didn’t know who was lying to them.' But soon enough they will."

Meanwhile, Obama continues to read what's on the teleprompter, in between rounds of golf. He is not a leader. He is a follower. Even in "his" disastrous health care bill, he let Nancy Pelosi do all the work. Obama couldn't even tell people what was in the bill when asked. Here's Obama trying to explain his position on health care:
"obama...stumbling about healthcare" posted by grannyrecipe

And here is a story discussing Obama's lack of knowledge of "his" own bill:
"Morning Bell: Obama Admits He’s 'Not Familiar' With House Bill" by Conn Carroll

Click on the links in that story for first hand information, including the audio recording of when Obama admits he doesn't know what is in his own bill.

Here is another link to the specific audio, from Real Clear Politics:
"Obama 'Not Familiar' With Key Provision In Health Care Bill"

Hardly surprising for someone who doesn't even know how many states there are in the country he supposedly leads.
"Obama Claims He's Visited 57 States" posted by ObamaGaffe

By the way, you know how we have been told that we have been in a recover? How the stimulus was going to help the economy? Well we all know how that is working for the unemployment rate (it isn't). But did you hear about how many Americans are now on food stamps? From CNN:
"Food stamp use rises to record 45.8 million" by Blake Ellis

"Nearly 15% of the U.S. population relied on food stamps in May, according to the United States Department of Agriculture."

"The number of Americans using the government's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) -- more commonly referred to as food stamps -- shot to an all-time high of 45.8 million in May, the USDA reported. That's up 12% from a year ago, and 34% higher than two years ago."

"To qualify for food stamps, an individual's income can't exceed $1,174 a month or $14,088 a year -- an amount that is 130% of the national poverty level."

So the so-called "recovery" has reduced employment and driven more people into poverty. Great. Obama and his cadre of tax cheats have no idea how to help the economy. Let me guess what he'll say, "I inherited this from Bush. It's not my fault that things keep getting worse long after Bush has been out of office. I'm going golfing."

By contrast, listen to Scott Walker. He understands what is needed. He explains it very directly and pursues the policies very quickly. He solved the problem he inherited.
"Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker on Unions and Budget Cuts" posted by the Heritage Foundation

Notice what he says about union dues. Pay attention around 3:50 of the video. Despite all the rhetoric, despite what they say, the main concern of the unions is that they can no longer force workers to pay their dues. They want the money. It's not about protecting the workers. It will be fascinating to see how many workers continue to fund organizations that care nothing about them. The unions have also lost the right to bleed money from local school districts via a union-controlled health care provider that charges rates well above the market. Amazing that they tried to defend that with a straight face.

If you want to be entertained, read the comments to the video. The Left cannot string together a coherent argument. They are left with nothing but empty curses and rage.

Consider the larger context here. We, citizens of these United States, implored our representatives to be responsible adults and manage our money responsibly. Yet when the Governor of Wisconsin does exactly this he is excoriated for it. It's very sad.

Final point: There has been a lot of talk about Obama getting rolled by the right on the debt limit deal. Far from it, far from it. Spending has not been cut one red cent. We're still spending far more money than we have. We are borrowing to cover it, as well as devaluing our currency. But one thing that people didn't consider is this: Obama got exactly what he wanted out of the debt limit deal. According to Bloomberg, "Because any spending cuts would be delayed until 2013, timed to coincide with the expiration of the Bush tax cuts, Republicans would have an added incentive to agree to overhaul taxes, which Democrats want to use for raising revenue."

Yes, you heard that right: Further fights on this issue will occur just after the 2012 elections. That's probably just a coincidence, right? RIGHT???

Of course not. Obama only cares about re-election. HIS re-election. Don't fool yourself. He got exactly what he wanted out of the negotiations. Ask yourself: Is that what a leader would do?

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