Sunday, April 26, 2020

Imitating Art

I LOVE this story.  People imitating famous paintings.  Brought the biggest smile to my face.

Why do I love it so much?  Because I love doing the same thing!  Well, similar anyway.  Two quick examples, aided by a co-worker who suffers from the same disorder.  :)

These were both from Dublin, March 2019.  First, from the National Gallery of Ireland.  I was ahead of my co-worker going through the gallery and I was able to study this piece for 5-10 minutes, to hopefully get the right mental state and nail the pose.  What do you think?

This second example was even funnier.  There is an outdoor statue, in Dublin along the river, of an Irishman (William Brown) who founded the Argentine Navy, and my co-worker used to be in the U.S. Navy, so this happened...

True story: John is posing, I'm giving him directions to get a good picture ... and a woman passing by was so amused that she took a picture of us both.  Naturally, John walked over, started chatting with her, and got her to send us the picture!  Hilarious!