Monday, January 10, 2011

Am I a racist?

Am I a racist? Just because I think Michael Vick is a terrible human being? Apparently a local columnist thinks so. From the Atlanta Post:
"Understanding The Frenzy Over Vick and White Folks’ Love of Dogs" by Charing Ball

The whole article is complete crap, which is obvious if you read it (I wouldn't blame you if you didn't). So I won't take the time to comment on individual points. But I will say this: I understand that Vick served his time. I don't happen to think he served as much time as he should have, but that's not my call to make. But just because someone served his time does NOT suddenly make him a good person. It does NOT mean he is suddenly redeemed. It only means that he is a scumbag ex-convict. That's it. And it's not racist to point that out.

P.S. My dislike of Michael Vick has nothing to do with the fact that his new team, the Eagles, played the Packers yesterday. In fact, I disliked him long before I knew that he tortured and killed dogs. His personal behavior, including giving the finger to Atlanta fans--while he played for the Falcons--showed what he was all about.

P.P.S. The one positive part of Ball's article is when she refers to the Stuff White People Like blog. This is a GREAT blog. It pokes fun at white people by pointing out, as you might guess, stuff that white people like. Sample: "... white people like the World Cup because it allows them to pretend they are European for a few weeks, and more importantly, it allows them to get drunk at odd hours."

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