Sunday, September 12, 2010

Our pro-terrorist president

Obama proved once again that he could not care less about fighting terrorism. I really have no words for this. From the Washington Post:
"Administration halts prosecution of alleged USS Cole bomber"

I'll let the Patriot Post speak for me on this one:
"A Decision Made in Cole Blood"

"The White House proved again that to them terrorist acts are simply domestic criminal acts committed by 'foreigners' as the Obama administration just announced a halt to the prosecution of the suspected al-Qa'ida mastermind behind the attack on the USS Cole, Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri. The Cole was attacked on Oct. 12, 2000, by suicide bombers who detonated more than 1,000 pounds of explosives in a small vessel that pulled alongside the ship while it was on a refueling stop in Yemen. The blast killed 17 U.S. sailors and injured 39 others.

"Why the sudden change of prosecutorial heart? A military official speaking on condition of anonymity to The Washington Post explained that 'the administration does not want a high-profile terrorist tried in a military tribunal before major figures held at Guantanamo Bay start having civilian trials.' Let that sink in for a moment: The Chosen One, through his legal lackey, Attorney General Eric Holder, has decided not to try the terrorists who attacked the Cole on the basis that doing so would introduce even more uncertainty into the execution phase of a poorly contemplated decision. Never mind the evidence linking al-Nashiri to the bombing.

"Never mind, too, the palpable link between the Cole bombing and 9/11. Notably, one of the 9/11 hijackers -- Khalid al-Mihdhar -- also helped plan the Cole bombing. Additionally, imam Anwar al-Awlaki, who was linked both to the Fort Hood shootings and the Christmas Day 'Undie Bomber,' is also tied to the Cole attack. No, apparently the key take-away from the administration's actions is that an attack on an American warship -- one that resulted in the deaths of 17 American Patriots -- doesn't count nearly as much as ensuring that the civil-trial-for-war-criminals agenda remains on track.

"Of course, it's also very understandable why the ironically named (of late) Justice Department would want to shed cases right now, especially in light of its legal offensive against Arizona holding the federal government to task in enforcing U.S. law. But we digress. For its part, Team Chosen has apparently borrowed a line from 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail': 'Please! This is supposed to be a happy occasion! Let's not bicker and argue about who killed who.'

"As for us, our hearts are with the families of the victims of the attack on the USS Cole. We are truly heartbroken for these families that have now witnessed a full decade of justice denied, and our blood boils at the thought that this injustice will continue."

But it will continue as long as Obama is president. Let's look back over a year ago, to see what Debra Burlingame wrote in the Wall Street Journal:
"Obama and the 9/11 Families
The president isn't sincere about 'swift and certain' justice for terrorists"

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