Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Quote of the Day: Michael Walsh on the debt fight

Wow, I've been busy lately. Sorry for the delay, but work takes precedence. I have a couple quick posts to occupy this space in the next few days but you, my seven* readers, might have to get used to less frequent posts.

Anyway, back to business. This quote asks a great question. What is the purpose of government? Because what the Left believes the purpose is is neither in line with the founding of this country nor is it sustainable.

Here's the quote:
"Instead,just ask yourself this simple question: When did it become the primary function of the federal government to send millions of Americans checks? For this, in essence, is what the debt-ceiling fight is all about--the inexorable and ultimately fatal growth of the welfare state." - columnist Michael Walsh

This is from Walsh's recent column in the N.Y. Post, if you want to read the whole article. I recommend it.
"Uncle Sam, sugar daddy" by Michael A. Walsh

Here's another good quote from the article:
"The preamble to the Constitution talks about promoting the general welfare, not the welfare state. For the welfare state is incompatible with the rest of the preamble, which concludes: 'and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.' By definition, dependents are not free."

* estimated readership :)

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