Friday, April 8, 2011

Jealousy is an ugly thing, on any day but especially on Friday!

Who knew Miley Cyrus was such a bitch? Did you see her recent comments about Rebecca Black? From the New York Daily News:
"Miley Cyrus slams YouTube video sensations like Rebecca Black: 'It should be harder to be an artist'"

Wow, that is rich. Miley Cyrus, born with a silver spoon in her mouth, who had a career handed to her, thinks "it should be harder to be an artist." Really? I guess we should all have the opportunity to have a parent in the entertainment business so we can all parlay mediocre talent to an amazing opportunity. Jealousy is an ugly thing, particularly when she has absolutely nothing to be jealous about. If anything, people should be jealous of Miley Cyrus!

"'It should be harder to be an artist,' Cyrus told Australia's Daily Telegraph. 'You shouldn't just be able to put a song on YouTube and go out on tour.'"

Why not? This is no different than the old media being pushed aside by more direct means of communication. Why buy a newspaper, which has its own agenda, when you can hear stories directly from the source? Similarly, why buy only the music the big companies want you to hear rather than finding it yourself online?

I've said it before: I rarely listen to the radio anymore. I get better music via independent music sources than I ever hear over the air. Not even close.

Oh, one more thing. Here's the video Miley doesn't care for. I'm not a huge fan, but I admit that it's catchy.
"Rebecca Black - Friday"

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