Friday, February 4, 2011

Mick Jagger, Businessman

Sometimes we forget that music, like anything else, is a business. Few people understand this as well as Mick Jagger. I can't say I'm a huge fan of his music (I like it but it's not at the top of my list) but I think he's got his head squarely on his shoulders in terms of the way he runs his business.

From the New York Times:
"Mick Without Moss" by Zoe Heller

I love this quote: "When he is on the road, he has been known to keep a map in his dressing room, indicating the city at which the tour will go into profit."

I also found this comment interesting. While some people lament the fact that online music sales and illegal music downloads cut into the profitability of a band, Jagger points out that, "There was a window in the 120 years of the record business where performers made loads and loads of money out of records. But it was a very small window — say, 15 years between 1975 and 1990." Jagger realizes that touring is where the money is and focuses his efforts accordingly.

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