Friday, October 8, 2010

Why buses are better than trains

Since not everyone is able to read well enough to grasp even the most basic concepts, I will use pictures to make my point in this post. I simply do not understand the fixation leftists have with using trains for mass transit. They want light rail everywhere, even when their own studies show that it doesn't make sense. For example, the Hiawatha line in Minneapolis was calculated to provide a return of $0.31 for every dollar spent (compared with bridge projects upwards of $4 return for every dollar spent) and also increased congestion (taking up two lanes of traffic while moving less people than cars).

Buses (in addition to being much cheaper than trains) are much more flexible than trains. During special events buses can be pulled from slow routes and re-routed to service popular routes. You simply cannot do this with trains. Train doesn't have tracks to your event? Tough, you're screwed. But with buses you CAN direct them to where you need them, and they can go almost anywhere you need them.

These pictures were taken on Saturday, October 2nd, prior to an Atlanta Braves afternoon game. They were lined up near Underground Atlanta to shuttle people to the game.

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