Saturday, July 24, 2010

Lessons from Star Wars

I watched Star Wars the other night. The original, now called Episode IV. I was just a kid when it was released and I remember all the hype. The movie has aged well, I must say. My only regret is that I didn't save all my old Star Wars action figures and toys (we had a really nice Millenium Falcon). How was I, as a little kid, to know just how crazy people would be for that stuff?

Anyway, I had some thoughts as I watched the movie. In no particular order, they are:

1. Someday, when we invent hand-held laser weapons, the sound won't be right. Someone will say, that's not how they're supposed to sound. That's not how they sounded in Star Wars. We should change the sound. (I'm sure Star Trek fans feel the same way.)

2. I need a land speeder. Look, I'm not greedy. I'm not asking for a Millenium Falcon or a Death Star. Just a land speeder. And a light saber. :)

3. I need an every day outfit. Look at Darth Vader and Han Solo. They found looks that worked for them and they wore that every day. That's what I need. Even Luke wore the same outfit most of the time, before he became such a big shot. (I'd go with the Chewbacca outfit but I don't think I have enough hair to pull it off.)

4. You know that with the Death Star (just as with the iPhone 4, the BP oil spill, the Space Shuttle O-rings, and so on...) there is an engineer out there somewhere saying, "I told you so."

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